The Replacement for iGoogle

2013-10-01 18.59.11

The replacement for iGoogle

This is not a post that gives you seven or ten options to choose from for a replacement for iGoogle. This is a post to let you know that I’ve read all those damned posts, signed up for every one of those services, and have finally settled on the absolute best replacement.

We’ve all known for a while that Google was pulling the plug on the best home-page on the internet – and we all whined about it (or was that just me?) Since that announcement, I’ve been searching high and low, trying to find the best one. And today, with only a month left before iGoogle goes offline, I found it.


Until today, igHome was the closest I’d found; but I wasn’t happy with it. I mean, hell, it’s fugly. Then came Protopage. It is customizable like iGoogle; it allows for tabs, so I have one for general, one for my business, one for personal money, and even one for Thunderhawk. Four home-pages in one.

The widgets available are comparable and the font, color, and background are customizable.

Anyway, I have spent months putting my personal information into every would-be iGoogle replacement out there just to find the right fit. I highly recommend Protopage.

Oh, and I ain’t gettin’ paid for this – I’m just writing this because I wish I’d run across it earlier and thought this might help someone out.



One comment

  1. Since the demise of iGoogle, I tried several alternatives but the one that I love most is because it’s very visual and easy to use.


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